CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD Desembre 21 Publicat el Divendres, 21 Desembre 2018 16:59 PAUHER SCHOOL US DESITJA: Bones festes, Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale, Felices Fiestas!
CHRISTMAS CRAFTS Desembre 19 Publicat el Dimecres, 19 Desembre 2018 11:44 Christmas trees and stockings made by our Primary students!!! Thank you all sooooooooooooooo much!!!
CHRISTMAS IS AROUND THE CORNER Desembre 4 Publicat el Dimarts, 04 Desembre 2018 19:46 December is here and we are getting ready for Christmas!!! HYLI!!!
HALLOWEEN DAY GAMES / 2nd PART Novembre 6 Publicat el Dimarts, 06 Novembre 2018 20:41 More Halloween games with our spooky monsters. A spook-takular and terrifying day! You are unBOOlievable!
HALLOWEEN DAY GAMES / 1st PART Octubre 31 Publicat el Dimecres, 31 Octubre 2018 19:38 Having a fang-tastic and boo-tiful time: bobbing for doughnuts, spider blow, mouthful of dirt ...