STAR WARS / 5th SUMMER FUN WEEK Agost 14 Publicat el Dimarts, 14 Agost 2018 14:54 This is the result of working hard, staying positive and having fun!!! You are the best TROOPER in Star Wars!!
HOLLYWOOD / 4th SUMMER FUN WEEK Agost 14 Publicat el Dimarts, 14 Agost 2018 10:37 Oscars Red Carpet photo call summer 2018 and 1st Pauher School Academy Awards! Congratulations to the winners!!!
HOLLYWOOD / 4th SUMMER FUN WEEK Agost 14 Publicat el Dimarts, 14 Agost 2018 10:36 Nominations, photo call props , Oscars and medals ready for the 1st Pauher School Academy awards. And the Oscar goes to..
HOLLYWOOD / 4th SUMMER FUN WEEK Agost 14 Publicat el Dimarts, 14 Agost 2018 10:32 HOLLYWOOD / 4th SUMMER FUN WEEK All of our students getting their handprints in our special Hollywood walk of fame and feeling famous for a day!!!
GOT TALENT / 3rd SUMMER FUN WEEK Juliol 19 Publicat el Dijous, 19 Juliol 2018 10:09 Some more talented students! Golden buzzer for them!