CARNIVAL,CARNIVAL... Febrer 16 Publicat el Divendres, 16 Febrer 2018 15:44 Finger masks made by our students! Good work guys , as always!
PAUHER SCHOOL US DESITJA MERRY CHRISTMAS Desembre 22 Publicat el Divendres, 22 Desembre 2017 19:50 PAUHER SCHOOL US DESITJA: Bones festes Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Buon Natale Felices Fiestas
CHRISTMAS CRAFTS 2017 Desembre 12 Publicat el Dimarts, 12 Desembre 2017 19:23 Christmas trees and Christmas wishes made by our students! Awesome!
CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER... Novembre 29 Publicat el Dimecres, 29 Novembre 2017 16:28 Christmas is just around the corner! Can you feel it in the air? We can and we are getting ready for our Christmas activities...stay tuned !
THANKSGIVING DAY / 23rd OF NOVEMBER Novembre 22 Publicat el Dimecres, 22 Novembre 2017 16:11 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Here you have a funny song ,Thanksgiving Overture, so that you can practise it and have a laugh at the same time!